Book Review: The Seven Steps to Closure by Donna Joy Usher

Hey everyone,

I know! I know! I’ve been on an extensive hiatus but I’m back and ready for action. There will be some new changes, new features and oh so much more coming your way.

As part of the new direction I’m taking this blog. Here is a review on an amazing book I recently read.

Image result for the seven steps to closure

Newly divorced and barely employed, Tara Babcock is at a standstill moment in her life. 30 years old, downtrodden and utterly despaired, it’s been almost one year and still she mourns her marriage. The once believed love of her life has left her for none other than her cousin (and I’m not talking that person who is just a family friend who you’ve known so long that you say you’re related. I’m talking her mother’s sister (aunt’s) daughter kind of cousin).

Unfortunately, things seem to get worse before they get better. As Tara tries to make steps to move forward, shocking events occur as her ex-husband, Jake has announced his political career as he runs for Lord Mayor (a fancy way to say a mayor of a major city) of Sydney. And to make matters worse, he also announces his upcoming nuptials to her cousin, Tash. His face plastered everywhere and her constantly feeling miserable, her best gal pals decided the best thing for her to do is to refocus her energy and follow the advice from a magazine article called Closure in Seven Easy Steps. I mean where else does all great advice come from but for the gospel according to Cosmo.

This book chronicles the steps that Tara takes to finally regain control of her life and let me tell you I absolutely love it! Like many of us, having to start over is daunting and quite frankly scary! Tara, for me, embodies what many of us experience when an unexpected life change occurs. The questions that constantly swim around our minds, questioning how we will recover. The feeling of absolute failure and feeling like our options and possibilities are limited. Luckily, she has a strong support system of gal pals and family to help her through the rocky roller coaster of life.

What I truly appreciated about how this book was written is the feeling like you truly are a part of the conversations as they happen. The feeling of walking alongside our main character as she desperately tries to figure out what to do next and who she is after she has spent so much time being a shadow of herself. I also appreciate that as the book progresses, we not only see growth from Tara, but we see growth and changes in the supporting characters as well. A truly pleasurable reading experience.

My Overall Rating: 4.5 Stars

Why you should check it out:

If you like light-hearted fun and adventure, then this is surely a must read. If you’re nursing a broken heart……hey the steps just may help you too. Or if you’re just looking for a good read for the train, airport or anywhere really, then take a looksy. I promise you it won’t disappoint!

Tips To Help Ease The Pain of A Breakup

Tips To Ease The Pain of A Breakup

Hi loves,

It’s been a really long time since I’ve written here. Honestly, I didn’t know if I would be back to this my little space on the blogosphere. But something happened. While one of my late night procrastination trips for my other blog As Told By Nella I somehow felt an urge to stop here and looks back on my love journey. It was, for lack of a better term, inspiring. It reminded me of my core and brought me back to my starting point. So refreshing and so needed.

Where am I getting at with all this? Well this space has always been my most raw emotions laid out in front for everyone to see. It’s been my sanctuary and place of refuge when times are most trying. And tonight that was exactly what I needed.

Now just to warn you and be open. I am not currently going through a break up. I’m happily in a loving relationship and fingers crossed that doesn’t change. I hove however experienced some relationship disasters. Heartaches and pains that I never thought possible. Gut-wrenching, immobilizing pain. And I know someone, somewhere is going through what I went through. I want to be a beacon of hope and love. Just to remind you that the sun rises in the morning and the rainbow comes out after the storm. So if you’re going through a breakup or heart break, here are a few tips that I hope will help you.


1. Keep Busy

This is truly the first step, as the rest usually follow this one. If you lay around the house all day thinking about the person, you may fall into depression and you will miss the person. You are justified in missing the individual but not to the point of absolute sadness and possibly self-destruction. Vulnerability can be constructive as well as destructive. Let it be the former. Find some activities that you want to do; that you need to do. Just do something positive (and that you won’t regret!).


2. Do Something You Love


If you do something you love, it will help. It needs to be something you really and truly love to do. Sing, dance, shout for joy. Paint, draw or comb your hair. Just do it.  And definitely not something you guys used to do together, but something you personally love. I know as a couple we share many of our interests but there is always something personal that you couldn’t or wouldn’t do as a couple that you loved doing. It will make you as the individual feel better. As long as it will positively uplift you and make you better as an individual, you will have no regrets later. So what are you waiting for? Go for it!


3. Spend time with Family and Friends

Did you fall in the couple trap? You know what I mean. The couple trap where you spend so much time together or being a couple that you tend to not be around friends and family as much. But they are there. The arms of comfort in your times of sadness. Talk to them. Speak to them about how you feel. Share as much or as little details as you want to, it’s your choice. Tell them what’s going on. Then they can do all they can to help you in the best way possible. Whether you need advice, a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear to vent to or just someone to be with you, find a friend or family member or a support group if needs be.

They can also work as buffers for those days where you’re prone to do something less than smart. They can stop you from making stupid or dangerous decisions that you may regret later. I get it. Breakups can make you a little crazy, especially when they are unexpected.


4. Exercise


Let’s get physical, physical. Keep active! Go for a run! Dance it out! Do insanity! Let’s zumba! Whatever you do. Keep physically fit. It’ll make you feel better. It helps with the anger and sadness and causes an increase in endorphins(those feel good hormones that makes you smile from ear to ear. You know that good stuff).  It gives you a clearer perspective on the situation. You’ll feel so much better about yourself. High five for more self-confidence. Plus you’ll look sexy while doing it. Healthy body, healthy mind. (Bonus: If you run into your ex, at least you’ll look great and happy, even if you are faking it until you make it).


5. Cry And Let It Out But Do Not Have A Pity Party


Let it out because bottling it up can be self destructive.Crying can help you express the pain.Just don’t feel sorry for yourself.You can’t control everything.You made a mistake but move on and avoid making any more.Dont feel sorry for yourself.Dust yourself off and keep living.The world is still spinning.You can miss the individual for some period of time but eventually you will have to move on.


6. Make A List of All The Things You Want In A Girl or Guy


A realistic list that is.Make the list and check it twice.If you keep saying that you aren’t getting what you want in a relationship,write down what you want.If the guy needs to have a relationship with God,write it down.If he needs to have a good relationship with his family,write it down.Also make another list of red flags or things you don’t want in a person.Stop settling and go after what you deserve.Wait for it if you have to.You will thank yourself later for this.


7. Take Care Of Yourself


You can’t take care of anyone else if you can’t take care of yourself.Get to know yourself.Neaten up your appearance.See that amazing person and be the amazing person you want to attract and give yourself the love and attention first.Deal with any issues.Then when that person comes along,the chance of having a healthy relationship will increase.Just take of yourself,be optimistic and be happy.Know you deserve good things and believe it.Also you never know who you might see after this process 😉


8. Make a playlist

I’ve found that music is a perfect mood changer. The sweet sounds and melodies of your favourite song may be just what you need to make you feel better. My personal breakup playlist is called ‘Boys suck lets throw rocks at them’. It’s filled with some of my favourite  breakup and uptempo songs that I pump and play on repeat until I feel like I can move on to my other playlist called, ‘I’m amazing and you missed out’ which is filled with my favourite self-love/party songs that just make me feel all-around amazing. I always feel better and I guarantee you will too.


Love thoughts

Twenty20, LinaVereskI know you want someone to hold you close and handle your heart gently, but put love on hold. You don’t need someone to fall asleep beside. Not yet. You can wait for that. Finding your forever person shouldn’t be your main priority. Finding yourself should come first. Find out what brings your passionate side to…

via You Have A Lifetime To Find Your Person, So Find Yourself First — Thought Catalog

One Day…

@bubblegumwhore When people mess up, they know it. Even if they stroll away like nothing happened. Even if they act as though they were never in the wrong. Maybe you start to wonder if they truly believe that; if they’ve rewritten history to come across as the good guy in this. What if you’re the…

via One Day He’s Going To Realize He Screwed Up (But You Won’t Care Anymore) — Thought Catalog

It’s About The Practice (Not Pursuit) Of Happiness — Thought Catalog

Mitya KuFor the majority of my life, I viewed the concept of happiness as a dichotomous switch – either you are or you aren’t. And to a certain extent, I suppose that still holds true. But the more detrimental implication of this way of thinking was that I saw happiness as an end goal to…

via It’s About The Practice (Not Pursuit) Of Happiness — Thought Catalog

Prisoner of Relationships Past

Blessings my fair people,

When it comes to relationships, I’ve realized that there are 2 ways that we can be prisoners of our past relationships which can affect our present ones. The first is to have such an amazing relationship that no one can measure up to the invisible stick we keep dangled in front of our other suitors and the other is the opposite dynamic and having a shrew of bad relationships that makes you question your taste in men. I’ve had the fortune or misfortune of having both. I have remained a constant prisoner of my relationships past for many years.


A prisoner of my own mind and heart. Having experienced the best of both worlds, I know what it is I want but in my pursuit of happiness I tend to get hurt and overwhelmed by the lack of forthcoming gentlemen to fit the mold I’ve shaped out. What is it that I truly want in a man? Emotionally? Spiritually? Physically? Intellectually? Beyond? I could write an essay on each topic but the simple truth I want someone to love me everlastingly, grow with me spiritually, be my intellectual equal or smarter and impart knowledge on me (and being my equal doesnt me he has to be versed in the same things I do but rather just be able to hold a great conversation), being there supporting and caring for me. I want to feel that earth-shattering, life-changing love I’ve felt before and I don’t think I will settle for less. And that’s where I remain a prisoner of a great relationship because it’s hard for me to picture other than what I’ve already experienced. This has also led me to my being a prisoner of other relationship experiences because since then I’ve been disappointed continuously by the others that have come.


My search for love complemented by my myriad of experiences seems to put me in these shackles and I can’t seem to break free. I want to live beyond the barriers I’ve placed and experience what life has to offer but my fear erodes me and I remain enslaved. This was my thought process until about last night (and admittingly I still think like that sometimes) but I watched a short film of a couple getting married and it dawned on me that maybe I’m not where I’m supposed to be indefinitely at the moment but that’s just fine because it’s where I need to be. If I don’t have bad experiences I can’t appreciate the wonderful ones and if I didn’t have the great experience I would never truly understand my capacity to love above myself and to be selfless in my efforts. So until my prince comes, I’ll be enjoying what God has planned for me presently.


Much Love,

The Kingstonian


I Should Be Engaged.

Corinne Steele

I want to be engaged this year. As of yesterday I’ve been on this earth for more than twenty-three years, and I think it’s about time for me to be engaged.

I’ve been asking people on my Home Team what one word they want to hold true for 2016, and when the question was finally reciprocated by my friend Sanford, I couldn’t come up with anything. I hadn’t found one that quite fit just yet.

I would  say seemingly meaningful words aloud to see if their meanings would hold any significance for what I want this next year to be.

I rustled up words like depth or rest or value and announced them to myself in the car or in the shower or on my walk to work. Nothing was clicking.

Until I drove to Joshua Tree yesterday morning, and that’s when a word so unexpected was whispered into the silence…

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